Hi, I'm Winson Weng

About MeGreetings! I am a 5th year BS/MS Game Design and Development student at RIT. My desire for wanting to explore and create new designs and experiences has led me into the world of programming and connecting them into new ideas. Ever since I was little, I've always loved playing games and designing new things due to the amount of creativity and flexibility you can have with them. I code to give users an opportunity to interact with the virtual world and experience something new. Life has shown me that everyday can be harsh, unforgiving, and just cruel. My goal is to be able to create many kinds of games and programs that can make people smile, have fun, and forget their worries.In my free time, I like to play around with 3D-modeling software and build props and models that I see in some of my favorite games. Sometimes, I like to play video games or watch videos on YouTube to learn new skills or to get some new ideas for my future projects. It also helps build upon some of my creativity and is a great way for me to relax. Right now, I am taking Film Studies as a minor as it is a topic that I am interested in learning more about and I like movies. It also helps that this minor can potentially help me in creating certain games that have videos or animations within it. Other times, I like to do some fishing with my family. Ironically, one of my least favorite foods to eat are seafood so I essentially just catch things for fun or to feed my family.

Libertalia: A Pirate's Paradise

Libertalia is a pirate base-builder, management game where you take on the role of an admiral overlooking your crew of pirates as you attempt to build up your home base, explore the open seas, and fight against opposing pirates to obtain loot, and make yourself known throughout the pirate world.This game was my capstone project that me and 4 other students worked on throughout our final year at RIT. My role on the team was to be one of the main developers of the game. I helped program and create the various gameplay mechanics throughout the entire game including an auto-battler combat system, building upgrade systems, UI interface implementations, and more. Using the agile methodology, the team worked on the game throughout the year using two week sprints where we set goals for ourselves, worked towards implementing them, and eventually playtested what we had with our peers at the end of each sprint.

Asteroid Rush

Asteroid Rush is a 3D turn-based strategy game developed in 4 weeks, where players control a group of astronauts who mine for resources on asteroids while battling and avoiding the various aliens that are seeking to kill them.My role in this project was to implement and design the various equipment and items that the characters will use within the levels. Examples include potions, weapons, and relics that all give various passive effects when a certain condition has been met. I also designed the various menus and interfaces to give a space-like theme and mood.


Forever-Mine is a casual game developed in 3 weeks, where the player takes control of a mole mining underground seeking various ores to obtain money to buy an engagement ring for his loved one. The purpose of this game is to implement some form of microtransaction system as a concept. For this game, we included a shop where the player trades money obtained from mining ores for upgrades to improve the player's ability to mine. Players can speed up the process by directly using real-life money to buy in-game currency, as a concept and we didn't actually charge players for money.My role in this game was to design the shop interface and all the upgrades that the player can buy. I also worked on the microtransaction part of the game, while trying to balance all the numbers and effects as much as possible.

Project D.U.I

Project D.U.I is a game simulation concept made in the span of 3 weeks. The game is meant to teach players the dangers of drunk driving. As you play the game, your vision becomes blurred and you have a more difficult time driving the car. While the game itself is not 100 percent accurate to what a drunk person may feel, we created this simulation as a way to get people to understand the dangers of drinking while driving, and that it is better to be safe and responsible.In this project, I helped implement the game's mechanics. Some of the areas that I focused on were the random spawning of obstacles in the road, adding various visual effects, and importing the 3D models into the game.

Project Grim

Project Grim is a 2D side scrolling platformer game concept made in 3 weeks, where the player takes control of a grim reaper reaping souls in a graveyard. The player's objective is to give rest to all the lost souls that are still lingering in the world, while avoiding the guardians who are trying to stop the player.My role in this project was to be the AI programmer. I implemented enemy movement and behaviors to make enemies move throughout the level and either attack the player or flee when they get close enough. I also added various music and sound effects into the game to help set a spooky mood.

Camo Chameleon

Camo Chameleon is a top-down stealth puzzle game created using C# and Unity in a team of 4 students. The team used Scrum to iteratively work on the game throughout a semester with sprints and milestones. Each week, we would meet together and discuss what our goals were for each sprint. Each member would discuss what they would be doing, what problems they encountered, and where they may need help with.The player controls a chameleon that is trying to return home by eating flies to regain its stamina. Along the way, players must avoid predators in each level to return in one piece. Using the chameleon's ability to change colors, players must adapt and blend into the environment to avoid the predator's vision. The purpose of the game is to try to convey the feeling that the player is a weak and vulnerable animal in the wild that is constantly in fear of getting eaten by something bigger and scarier than it.My role in this project was to be the AI and Audio designer. I implemented enemy movement and behaviors to interact with the player. I also added various music and sound effects into the game to help set the mood and immerse the player into the rainforest-like environment.

The Last Grandmaster

TLG is a puzzle platformer game created using C# Monogame in a team of 4 students. The player is a wizard who has the ability to wield 6 different types of magic. They are on a quest to seek an ancient artifact but must overcome various enemies and obstacles standing in their path.In this game, I was one of the gameplay designers as well as the audio designer. I used object-oriented programming to implement the various characters, objects, and spells within the game. I implemented simple A.I movement to move back and forth on each level. The spells that I implemented included allowing the player to shoot fireball projectiles, move objects and destroy objects with a mouse click, and rewind time by resetting their positions. The sound effects and background music were implemented to enhance the player experience and to help give a response to player's actions.

Color Wars

This is a shooter conquest game created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The player plays against an increasing number of A.I throughout multiple levels. The levels are composed of tiles whose colors will correspond to either the player or the A.I's. Both sides will shoot out colored projectiles that change the color of any tiles it hits to the attacker's. The player has access to various power-ups that can help them achieve victory. The game also has a high score system that saves the user's top 5 quickest scores into their local storage.This game is a concept that I originally saw from a video on YouTube. Someone created a game that puts the player against an NPC as they fight to make most of the screen into their color. Their game and idea were much more complicated than what I made in the end. However, I was curious about how I would be able to program and create some of the similar mechanics on my own. I gave it a try and I was able to figure out how everything works. I ended up with a game that I believe to be a fun and interesting spin-off of the original idea.

Favorite Pokemon List

This website is created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Users are able to select and filter all available Pokemon from lists sorted by each Pokemon Type. After selecting and viewing a Pokemon, users can save it to their personal favorite's list. Pokemon favorited by each user are saved and tallied up using Firebase. In the "Community" tab, users will be able to see the top 10 most favorited Pokemon by all users of the website.The website uses Bulma as a framework to make it responsive and utilzes various designs and colors. The code is written in ES6 modules which imports and exports appropriate data. Fetch was used to obtain data from the Pokemon API which includes every Pokemon type and each individual data. The user's selections are saved to the local storage so they can return to the page and see their previous filters, types, and Pokemon.